Coapt Pattern Recognition
Coapt is the maker of Complete Control advanced pattern recognition myoelectric control technology for upper limb prosthetics, such as the COVVI Hand. Their re-engineered Gen2 controller kit unleashes an unprecedented level of personal, intuitive control, making prostheses function more intuitive for those with upper limb amputation or a congenital limb difference.
Most upper limb myoelectric-controlled prosthesis components on the market today can be integrated with this controller kit. From wrist disarticulation to forequarter limb differences, Coapt Complete Control provides users with an add-on system that gives them the capability to personalise their control, using their personal muscle movements. Complete Control doesn’t require users to be as precise as other forms of robot prosthetics controllers. Their prostheses, therefore, feel more like an extension of their bodies, rather than a machine that requires carefully practised inputs.