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PDAC and L-Codes

What is PDAC?

PDAC, or the Pricing, Data Analysis and Coding, is the US contractor that maintains the Durable Medical Equipment Coding System (DMECS). DMECS is an official source for Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies (DMEPOS) product code verification and assignment.

Coding verification is a voluntary process (unless mandated by DME Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) policy) that allows manufacturers/distributors to request a coding decision on a DMEPOS item. It is the responsibility of the PDAC to review DMEPOS products to determine the appropriate HCPCS code for Medicare billing.

The following L-CODES are PDAC-approved for the COVVI Hand:

  • L6621
  • L6880
  • L6895
Code Description
L6880 Electric hand, switch or myoelectric controlled, independently articulating digits, any grasp pattern or combination of grasp patterns, includes motor(s)
L6621 Upper extremity prosthesis addition, flexion/extension wrist with or without friction, for use with external powered terminal device
L6895 Addition to upper extremity prosthesis, glove for terminal device, any material, custom
L6881 Automatic Grasp Feature, addition to upper limb electric prosthetic terminal device
L6882 Microprocessor control feature, addition to upper limb prosthetic terminal device
L6629 Upper extremity addition, quick disconnect lamination collar with coupling piece, otto bock or equal