COVVI Secures Gold At 2022 NY Product Design Awards
We’re delighted to announce that we have won another amazing award for COVVI. The Gold Award at the 2022 NY Product Design Awards, in the category of ‘Medical/Scientific Equipment – Healthcare,’ marks an important milestone in our journey of delivering a world-leading hand that continues to rapidly evolve and improve.
As we continue to add to the efforts in raising awareness of prosthetic technology and the importance of such to individuals with limb differences; we’re certain that awards like this will give COVVI another platform to showcase our mission to amputees around the world. Our aim is to have users at the heart of this industry and this award just shows we’re heading in the right direction.
The COVVI team are excited about the potential of this technology and this award is recognition of their hard work and dedication, over the past five years, in fulfilling our shared vision. With over 500 prosthetic hands already in use globally; we’re confident that we can continue to change many lives together in the future.