Simon Pollard Joins ‘Objectiv-X’
The prospective company has been formed by Simon Pollard, an entrepreneur from Leeds who established and has been overseeing national telecoms company Intouch Advance for the past two decades. Simon, who will be our new CEO, identified the huge potential in these ideas for a world-leading prosthetics company and is keen to help it grow from strength to strength. In addition to his business acumen, Mr Pollard has identified and wants to ensure that customer service and technical support takes precedence alongside technological design and development.
From what Simon had learnt about the work on bebionic prior to joining the business, he could see how the technology rapidly revolutionised with every iteration, learning from its own mistakes and incorporating the latest advances directly into the hand’s mechanisms. It didn’t take him long to realise that he made the right investment in this vision, and that is before even taking into consideration the potential impact a brand-new device, endeavouring to be both accessible and the most cutting-edge product on offer, could have on the lives of people around the world with limb differences.
The next steps for what Simon has now called Objectiv-X, is to assemble our team and find a location from which the development process can officially commence.