Anna Fusco On Her Journey To Get A COVVI Hand
Italian model, Anna Fusco, was recently fitted with her very own COVVI Hand in Turin. Working with our partners in prosthetics, Officina Ortopedica Maria Adelaide, her socket was fabricated after attending several appointments; to say she was delighted with it would be an understatement.
Anna is a congenial amputee who works in Italy as an actress, singer and model, and has also participated in the 2014 and 2018 editions of ‘Miss Italy’. Anna’s story is one of strength; overcoming adversity from a young age to build a life where she can feel confident and courageous in herself.
“I overcame my first obstacles and over time, I understood that if I didn’t accept myself, others couldn’t do it. If you see the problem, others will see it too”. Always sunny, smiling and resolute, Anna chose to fight for the life she wanted to live.
To show off her new bionic hand, Anna took part in a photoshoot where the black and white photographs magnificently showcased the hand in all its glory and demonstrated how bionic can also mean beautiful.
It’s incredible to see the difference that this technology can make in the lives of those who choose to use it. Anna is only at the beginning of her journey, and we cannot wait to see what she will achieve whilst using her COVVI Hand!