Working With Elmwood And Our New Name Reveal
Objectiv-X as a name has always been considered by the team as a placeholder until a proper brand portfolio could be established for the business. Our CEO Simon Pollard decided to approach Elmwood design consultancy due to the fantastic work they produced for another of his business ventures, 22 Street Lane Nursery – the branding of which has since won nationally recognised awards
Elmwood was happy to get on board and so the Objectiv-X team worked with five of their senior copywriters to first establish what we wanted to call ourselves. It ended up being quite a fun process, involving ‘fish’ diagrams to determine how we wanted to define ourselves as a business, and also how we wanted our product to be defined
The whole process took approximately three months, and after whittling down 20 potential brand name ideas we have fallen in love with this one: COVVI. It is a portmanteau of two Latin words, ‘Coperer’ and ‘Vita’ which separately translate as ‘working together’ and ‘life’ respectively – together they can roughly be defined as working together to change many lives. That was it for us, and with the strongest possible choice for a name locked down, the Elmwood team worked their magic to produce our new logo; a delta symbol to represent change and connections that are ever-evolving
From this point onwards we can now officially internationally trademark our name and begin to make an appearance on social media to let people know who we are and what we are about.